Marcus Practice Solutions, Inc.

dental marketing & practice specialists for over 30 years

Marcus Practice Solutions, Inc.

dental marketing & practice specialists for over 30 years


Jackie O'Beirne, DDS

I can now afford to pay for the best education for my children. I’m doing all this working 4 days per week and I’ve never had to add on more managed care, open extra hours or change the way I do dentistry.

And you know what? I’ve got my million dollar practice. I made it.

Angelina Anisimova, DDS

As a result of working with Judy and Chris and implementing their Blueprint, my numbers in my small 3-operatory practice jumped from less than $45,000 per month to over $70,000. Space is limited and we were bursting at the seams, a much better problem to have than waiting for the phone to ring!


Stephen Huber, DDS

Overall, my practice has more than doubled from a stagnant $40,000 per month to over $100,000 per month (and growing still)…

Working with them was the best decision I ever made for my practice and for my life as a whole overall.

Kasper Photo for PNG

Dr. Julia Kasper and Cri Boratenski

With Judy’s help, we dialed in a marketing strategy to bring in quality new patients from Day One and the results occurred exactly as planned! In our first month, we saw over 30 new patients, and we averaged 58 new patients per month every month thereafter.

Michael Bender, DDS

As of last month, I’ve been averaging close to $100,000 in collections and production – for 5 months running! Of that, less than 50% is from insurance.

We learned and implemented an effective marketing program to attract the right type of new patients to my practice. We’ve gotten more new patients each month since putting this in place than I’ve seen in YEARS! 

James K Richards, DDS

I started bringing in greater numbers of new patients and these numbers continued to increase…

What they showed me on the very first day caused my new patient ‘problem’ to go away and never come back. . .The result is that my practice has steadily grown over the past two years. My new patient numbers, which used to average around 10 per month, are typically around 40. I am collecting and producing three times what I used to before.


Within a year I was able to build my practice to over $100,000 per month, without getting in network with a single additional insurance…

Not only that, but I don’t think I ever again heard “I only want to do what my insurance will cover”.

Paul B Nations, DDS

We actually started getting results from the program on the first day after we started! Our production went up and stayed up. We found that we’d set our goal too low ($80,000 per month). Now $100,000 – $130,000 is the norm.

Our practice is stable, and it is impervious to economic volatility!

Stefanie Shore, DDS

Today my monthly collections are significantly better than before I started working with them. Now I have the income to live the lifestyle I want, save what I want to save, and do what I want to do. I’m completely happy with my financial situation.

My staff are also motivated and empowered. It’s not just up to me now. My time in the practice is spent doing quality dentistry. And now that I’m also a Mom, I have the personal time to enjoy my family.

Ken Film, DDS And Teresa Film, Office Manager

The result has been MUCH higher new patient flow, much higher production and collections…

(We grew rapidly and are averaging about $30,000 more per month than we ever did before)

And it’s actually easier and less stressful than ever.

Merril Rowe, DDS

The marketing program they recommended resulted in a 50% increase in my new patients within 6 weeks.

But they also helped me structure my practice in such a way that my case presentations have become much more effective. This has turned out to be the key to increasing my production and collections by $25,000 – $35,000 per month over where we were 6 months ago.

Omar Osman, DDS

My practice immediately increased, and grew steadily to $60,000 production and collections per month, then $80,000, and finally to an average of over $100,000 per month.

Thanks to Judy and Chris, I was able to reach my practice goals fast.


Before I started working with Judy Marcus… my staff situation was out of control, and I was not making any income from my practice.

Within six months after starting their program, my production had increased 100%…On my own, my practice has continually been able to produce more than double what it used to with two associates. I have a great staff, my overhead is no more than 60%, and I have been fully funding my retirement for the past one-and-a-half years. Total financial freedom is just a few short months away.

I also have no further need for continuous practice consulting. I have total confidence that I know exactly how to keep my practice running at its optimum level and even expand it further, by applying what I learned…

Needless to say, the stress I once had is virtually gone. I am very happy that I made the decision to work with Judy.

Young Park, DDS

My practice has historically been very insurance-driven, with a high percentage of write-offs and collections plateaued at a level well below our potential.

I signed up with Judy and Chris Marcus 3 months ago. My 4-chair practice was collecting about $44,000 per month. It’s 3 months later, and I just had my best collections month ever, nearly double from when I started with them!

What they deliver is an incredible value that I have not seen offered or available anywhere else!


I was not achieving even close to my potential for new patients, production and collections.

Within six months of starting… my new patients had tripled, and production and collections had more than doubled. Shortly after that, my production and collections increased by another 50%, and I found that by continuing to apply the simple procedures they taught me, I was able to maintain these increases long term. Last month, I had my best month ever, producing and collecting over four times what I was doing when I first went to Judy and Chris.

I am now completely confident that I can rapidly achieve financial security and freedom through my practice for myself and my family, and I am doing it. The only thing I could have done better was start [their program] sooner.


Before working with Judy and Chris, our practice was stuck at a level where we were surviving, but not growing, and there was no surplus with which to improve the practice or incentivize the staff. In fact, we were steadily declining. Our new patients numbers were not in a good range, but even when we would see more of them, our production and collections did not improve. Our treatment acceptance was largely based on maximizing patient insurance benefits, and not so much what the patients really needed to achieve optimal oral health.

As soon as we started working with them, we changed the way we were doing things, according to their recommendations… Patients who had been putting off their needed treatment for years were now accepting their full treatment plans.

Within 2 weeks, our weekly collections went up 72% over the average weekly collections from the previous year. We ended the first month 57% higher in collections than our usual, and we have sustained that level for the second month in a row.  Our treatment acceptance has been between 90%-100%.

All we did was follow the simple and easy to understand steps we were given, and it worked! We have received incredible value!


Since starting… my practice has totally changed. I started in September of last year and began to see results right away. My production and collections for October, November, and December were better than they have been in years. And the current month’s collections were more on the 19th than they used to be for an entire month!

When I started to implement the information on how to get more new patients, I immediately got in two big cases with very little effort. I am now attracting the type of new patients I want in my practice, and they are accepting the treatment they need. My office is much more organized and efficient. I have less stress and I enjoy going to work each day. Using what I’ve learned is what has made this all possible.


After just two months, I started seeing a marked improvement in my production and collections. Six months later, I had doubled my production and collections. In the last three months I have consistently produced and collected three times more than before. After less than a year, I am well on my way to achieving financial independence through my practice.

Thanks…you have saved my practice, and my life!


My biggest problems were a) poor quality patients, and b) poor case acceptance. These were not problems I was trained to deal with in dental school!

Within one week… I saw both of these problems start to turn around, and within a couple of months after that, we started experiencing significant progress. Our production numbers doubled, from $30,000 in June to $60,000 in September, and we have continued upwards from there.

Now, nine months after starting, we are a long way off from where we started, and the practice keeps growing. With what I have learned, I can see that I will be retiring early and teaching a lot sooner than I expected, because my finances will be in such good shape.


I had a 2-day-a-week practice a year and a half ago, and was making little income. My wife was working as an associate in another practice, to make ends meet. I wanted to get this practice to where she did not have to work, and could work with me when she wanted.

In three months… I see that my dreams becoming reality. Yes, I was skeptical but what they teach is easy to use and gets very quick results.

With the marketing I learned, in three months I have been able to turn a 2-day-a–week practice into a busy 4-day-a-week practice – that is what I had always wanted.


My friends told me it would take 3-5 years to build my new practice. Within just 6 months, my practice has doubled in production and collections, and the number of quality new patients has tripled. They have cut down the time I thought it would take to get my practice to where I wanted it to be, by two-and-a-half years!


I’m bringing in more quality new patients and it’s making a big difference in the production. 

Since starting six months ago, I have seen a steady increase in production despite having taken time out of the practice.  My collections, which had been decreasing prior to taking this program, have increased to a new higher range. 

But the real difference is in the bottom line. I’m netting over $100,000 more per year. That’s after… all other expenses are taken into account. This is a very worthwhile return.


We used to get 18 new patients per month. Now we see 14 per week – over 50 per month! Our hygiene is booked out for the next three months and the practice is growing steadily, exactly as we hoped it would.

The procedures are so effective that we’ve had to cut back on our marketing because we have been getting in so many new patients.

Other dentists tell me they are struggling to get in new patients. We’re getting in more than we can handle.


Within three months of implementing the procedures I learned, I was able to take my practice from producing $25,000 per month to $68,000 per month. I have also been able to employ other providers for my practice, so where I used to barely be able to take off 2 weeks per year, I can now take off up to 16 weeks in a year and still maintain my income!


I have been able to attract a high volume of quality new patients to my practice. Last month, my production was $30,000 more than the previous month, and my collections nearly doubled! My staff and I are excited and enthusiastic about the progress that we’ve made, and the future of my practice is looking even better!


When I started the program, the practice was producing $20,000 per month.  Within months after starting to apply what I learned, my practice had doubled and it continued to increase after that until it was producing $85,000 per month.  As a result, my take-home income went from $100,000 per year to double that in 18 months, and then continued to increase up to $400,000 per year.  I would say that what I learned was very effective in helping me bring this about.


I learned exactly how I could acquire qualified new patients from day 1, and I learned the precise systems for my practice that have allowed me to experience rapid and sustainable growth with a great team (well beyond my expectations)…

Now… I did nearly 1 million last year, out of 3 operatories, in only my 3rd full year in practice! Working 4 days per week. And I’ve been seeing about 40 quality new patients per month since my first month.


I had owned my own practice for several years, but I had never been able to bring the production above the level of around $40,000 per month. I was doing some marketing, bringing in patients, but it just wasn’t increasing the bottom line the way I’d hoped it would. Then a friend referred me to Judy Marcus.

I knew I had found what I had been missing in all of my years in practice. In my first month after starting, my production and collections doubled. As to where I will be able to take my practice from here into the future, I can see that it will be beyond my wildest dreams.

Personally, my goal is to be debt-free within one year. Thanks to them, I now have the knowledge and ability to make that happen.

I thought the program would work – I never thought it would work as fast as it did!


I used to rely on managed care to bring in new patients.  Since implementing the (advice), I have been able to attract more fee-for-service new patients who are interested in getting the care they need. 


It’s four months since I started and my production has already increased over 50%.  I am much more comfortable and in control of my practice than before. 


In the past fourth months, production increased from just over $25,000 per month to $50,000. My practice is really turning around


New Patients have gone up from the usual 8-10 per month to 45 per month. This is a five-fold increase in quality, fee-for-service new patients.